Hybrid Representation
The Referendum
Shall the Village of Skokie adopt a system of hybrid elections for Village Trustees, in which 2 of 6 Village Trustees are elected at-large and 4 of 6 Village Trustees are elected from districts, beginning with the Consolidated Primary and the Consolidated General elections to be held on February 25, 2025 and April 1, 2025, respectively?
What is Hybrid Representation?
In our new hybrid system, Skokie residents are represented by 2 at-large Trustees, who represent all of Skokie, and 4 district Trustees, who live in the same part of Skokie as the voters who elect them. In the previous system, Skokie elected all 6 Trustees at-large, which historically led to underrepresentation from west and south areas of the Village. With a combination of hybrid representation and staggered terms, Village Board elections will alternate every two years between choosing at-large and district Trustees.
Why This Matters
Skokie residents are better represented by Trustees who live where they do.
With a population the size of Skokie’s, electoral districts ensure that elected officials truly know the area and people they represent and thus can better respond to residents’ needs and concerns. These Trustees represent and answer to their neighbors. District representation also makes it easier for voters and candidates to interact during campaigns.
Since Skokie was incorporated in 1888 (originally as “Niles Center”), all Village Trustees have been elected at-large, representing the entire community as opposed to specific districts. Yet, since the Voting Rights Act of 1965, hundreds of cities, towns, and villages across the country have switched from at-large to district-based elections, since at-large systems often obstruct BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) representation. It is worth noting that Skokie did not elect its first Person of Color to the Village Board until 2008. Similarly, our previous system provided no guarantee of geographical representation within the community, which is why the west and south parts of Skokie have been historically underrepresented on the Village Board.
Hybrid representation makes it easier for candidates without large budgets or political connections to run for office.
Having to campaign across all of Skokie, with its population of 67,000+ residents, is time-consuming and expensive, creating a barrier for candidates who don’t have the money or political connections to run such a large campaign. By allowing candidates to run in smaller, local districts, it is easier for a larger, more diverse group of candidates to participate.
A hybrid system balances district-based and Village-wide representation.
In a hybrid system, Skokie residents still elect 2 at-large Trustees along with the 4 district Trustees. This ensures that the Village Board still offers both a Village-wide perspective while also providing more locally focused viewpoints. A hybrid system balances the “best of both worlds” for Skokie voters.
New Geographic Representation
Previous Geographic Representation
The home addresses of previous Trustees were used to draw this map of geographical representation on the Skokie Village Board over the last 20 years.
Final District Map
Each district will elect one representative from within their geographic boundaries, and all of Skokie would also elect two at-large Trustees plus the Mayor and Clerk.
Mapping was overseen by the Village Manager and approved by the Village Board.
Our New Elections
After 2025, elections will stagger District Trustees and At-Large Board members.
All Village Board members will be elected to 4-year terms.