Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Skokie Alliance for Electoral Reform?

The Alliance is a ballot initiative committee, registered with the Illinois State Board of Elections. We are not a political party, and we are not backing candidates for office. Instead, we’re a dedicated, nonpartisan, grassroots alliance focused on transforming the Village of Skokie’s outdated electoral system through ballot initiatives.

What is a ballot initiative?

A ballot initiative (sometimes called a ballot measure or voter initiative) is a means for registered voters to get a public policy question on the ballot for a popular vote. By collecting at least 1,800 signatures per petition from registered Skokie voters before August, we can place our three electoral-reform initiatives on the local ballot for the Nov. 8, 2022 general election. If a majority votes “Yes” on any or all of these initiatives, Skokie will be able to adopt a new and improved electoral system for the next municipal elections in 2025.

Why does Skokie need electoral reform?

The Village of Skokie’s electoral system of partisan, non-staggered, at-large elections is highly unusual and hinders candidates and voters alike. No municipality of comparable population in Illinois elects its representatives this way! It’s not a coincidence that our elections are rarely contested, voter turnout is well below average, and our local government has had decades of single-party rule. In the past 20 years, the Village has averaged only 1.1 candidates per seat and a 9 percent voter turnout. With little to no choice of candidates on the ballot, most Skokie voters remain disengaged from our municipal elections.

What will these three reforms accomplish?

The Alliance’s three ballot initiatives for nonpartisan elections, staggered terms, and hybrid representation are based on common-sense reforms that are allowed by the Illinois Municipal Code and practiced by municipalities across the state. All three initiatives are likely to increase the field of office seekers, allowing Skokie voters to choose from a wider range of candidates who reflect the full diversity of our Village. We believe our three initiatives are the most moderate and effective ways to update our electoral system.

How can I help?

This is a grassroots campaign, so we need your help! You can volunteer, sign our petitions, endorse the movement, or donate. And remember to vote Yes, Yes, and Yes on these three initiatives on the November ballot.